October 28, 2022
A student from Seacoast School of Technology (SST) in the Nursing lab with GBCC Senior Nursing student (in gray) during Discovery Days event at Great Bay Community College.

The Community College System of New Hampshire recently received a $5000.00 grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. The grant will help further CCSNH’s mission of providing residents with affordable, accessible education and training that aligns with the needs of New Hampshire’s businesses and communities, delivered through an innovative, efficient and collaborative.

Grant funding will allow Great Bay Community College (GBCC) the opportunity to support students with financial need to participate in six (6) Discovery Days events on the campus of Great Bay, in partnership with area Career and Technical Education Centers.  At each event, students will gain exposure to options and pathways to careers that meet NH workforce demands. This grant is made possible by gifts from the New Hampshire Tomorrow Papoutsy Education and Career Fund.

Each of the six separate events will focus on academic programs that correspond with Running Start, (college courses in the high schools) and or CTE courses and programs at local high schools and include health sciences and veterinary technology, computer science and digital media, manufacturing, criminal justice, education, and business and general studies.  While on the campus of Great Bay, students will participate in interactive sessions with faculty and industry professionals, meet student life staff, tour the campus, hear about strategies to reduce student debt levels, and learn about dual enrollment and transfer opportunities. Lunch will be provided, and students and chaperones will have access to bus transportation to and from GBCC.

The first Discovery Day was held on October 21st at Great Bay Community College’s Portsmouth campus. With a focus on health sciences and veterinary technologies, the event drew over ninety students from the Somersworth High School & Career Regional Technical Center, Dover Regional Career and Technical Center, and the Seacoast School of Technology in Exeter.

About Great Bay Community College

Great Bay Community College is a comprehensive postsecondary institution offering quality academic and professional and technical education in support of workforce development and lifelong learning. Great Bay Community College is part of the Community College System of New Hampshire, a public system of higher education consisting of seven colleges in Berlin, Claremont, Laconia, Concord, Manchester, Nashua, and Portsmouth. The colleges offer Associate degrees and career training in technical, professional and general fields, including transfer pathways to baccalaureate degrees. For more information on Great Bay Community College, visit wjxp.kongtiao11.com.

About the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation is New Hampshire’s statewide community foundation, founded in 1962 by and for the people of New Hampshire. We are the place where generosity meets the dedication and ingenuity of nonprofits and the potential of New Hampshire students. For six decades, thousands of people have entrusted their charitable resources to the Foundation, creating a perpetual source of philanthropic capital and making it possible for the Foundation to award more than $60 million in grants and scholarships every year. For more information, please visit www.nhcf.org or call 603-225-6641.